Gluten Free Diet Plans

At this point, we are all well aware of the word “gluten”. Nowadays, products that promote themselves as being gluten-free are sold in supermarkets. So, what exactly is a “gluten-free diet” and what to eat and avoid in one? Let’s talk about this more. Read more underneath.

What is Gluten-Free Diet?

Let’s try to familiarise ourselves with gluten first in order to comprehend what a gluten-free diet is. A protein called gluten is frequently present in grains like rye, barley, and wheat. For those who suffer from illnesses like celiac disease, consuming gluten can be dangerous. These people, as well as those with gluten-related medical disorders, are advised to follow a gluten-free diet.

A gluten-free diet forgoes products like wheat and rye products that contain the protein gluten. Gluten-Free Diet is said to increase energy, health, and weight loss efforts. There are a lot of gluten-free products that are available in the market but the consumption of naturally gluten-free foods such as rice, corn, soy, potatoes, beans, millet, etc. is encouraged. However, a gluten-free diet alters your nutritional intake, thus it is not suggested to begin one without first visiting a health care provider.

The gluten-free diet was originally made available to people with celiac disease (CD), wheat allergies, and non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). People now follow strict gluten-free diets in an effort to shed weight. An individual following a gluten-free diet must pay close attention to their diet’s requirements. They must be conscious of the foods they eat and where they came from.

Why does Gluten prove to be harmful to some people?

Gluten might be unhealthy for the body to consume. Due to the fact that it stops leptin, a protein that decreases hunger, from connecting to its receptor, eating gluten makes you feel more hungry. As a result, leptin resistance develops, which is thought to be one of the main reasons why people acquire weight. Grain that contains gluten is beneficial for health, energy gain, and weight loss.

Celiac Disease (CD): Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune condition in which the body perceives gluten as a potential threat from outside the body. The body overreacts by attacking the gluten proteins in an effort to eliminate this “threat.” The gut walls are harmed by this onslaught as well. As a result, people experience nutrient deficits, digestive problems, weight loss, anemia, exhaustion, melancholy, and stomach discomfort.

Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS): The symptoms of NCGS are comparable to those of celiac disease. This involves bloating, irregular bowel movements, fatigue, eczema, or a rash. The digestive system is affected by these symptoms as well.

What to Eat and What to Avoid in a Gluten-Free Diet 

In India, those who have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity don’t have far to travel to get gluten substitutes to add to their diet. Rice is a staple food for the majority of the subcontinent. They only need to move from flatbread to rice. In our nation, there are numerous varieties of rice from which to choose. They can swap out wheat for millets if they don’t want to eat rice. They can choose jowar roti if they wish to eat roti rather than wheat roti.

Additionally, India has a huge selection of gluten-free food. For breakfast, you may have dosa, poha, fruit, or dhokla. For lunch, you could eat curry with rice, and for dinner, you might eat a salad and some grilled meat.

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