Weight gain / Muscle Gain Plan

The familiar issue of being underweight is a prevalent concern amongst most of people. Some influential factors that play a role in decreased body mass are malnutrition, nutritional deficiency, and genetic factors.  The body mass index is an integral parameter to measure the correct weight of an individual according to age and height. An individual of a BMI less than 18.5 is categorized as underweight. There are a variety of causes that can cause a decrease in body mass and increase vulnerability to being underweight. Some of these causes are discussed below:

  1. Long-term or chronic illness
  2. Genetics
  3. High body metabolism
  4. Low birth weight or premature birth

Obesity has numerous negative impacts on health and similarly being underweight also possesses its own set of disadvantages. The below-elucidated points are the risk factors associated with being underweight

Lowered Immunity– Deprivation of essential nutrients required to keep the body illness free may cause the immune system to function inefficiently. As a result, you get sick easily.

Anemia– the blood count of an underweight person is always low compared to normal levels making him more prone to blood infections.

Slow Body Growth– Being underweight can deteriorate the body’s ability to grow and increase cellular functions.

Osteoporosis– Underweight women are more likely to develop a skeletal malfunction known as osteoporosis where bones become brittle and weak.

Skin and Hair problems– Common skin and hair problems like dry skin, dandruff, hair loss and skin infections are associated with an inadequate intake of certain nutrients.

It may sound easy to put on some kilograms but is a bothersome and challenging task. But with a proper muscle gain diet plan, one can achieve the aim of gaining weight. It becomes necessary to introduce some diet changes in regular diet to facilitate the increase in muscle mass. Avail the best weight/muscle gain plans at Gagan Diet Clinic. We offer a variety of diet plans for underweight people to surge their body mass. Apart from following a weight gain plan, one must introduce some lifestyle changes that considerably shape the body. An adequate amount of sleep is another factor that promotes weight gain. Practicing yoga and meditation relieves mental stress and catalyzes the function of diet plans.

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