20 Effective Diet Plan Tips to Reduce Belly Fat

20 Effective Diet Plan Tips to Reduce Belly Fat- Efforts to reduce belly fat can be tiring and exhausting. There are many factors such as lifestyle, poor diet, hormones, sugar consumption, workout time, and many more that cause belly fat and obesity. The fat around the abdomen is referred to as belly fat. Basically, there are two types of belly fats:-
Subcutaneous:- This is a type of belly fat that settles under the skin.
Visceral:- This is a fat that is stored around the organs including the heart, liver, and kidneys.

If you are looking to maintain a proper lifestyle by just changing your eating habits and lifestyle then here are some 20 Effective diet Plan Tips to Reduce Belly Fat. Dietitian Gagan Anand has curated some diet tips from her experience and qualifications that can help you get rid of your belly fat. Read this blog to learn about the 20 Effective Diet Plan Tips to Reduce Belly Fat.

20 Effective Diet Plan Tips to Reduce Belly Fat

20 Effective Diet Plan Tips to Reduce Belly Fat

We all should accept the fact that diet and nutrition play an important role in everyone’s life. So to keep yourself healthy and maintained is a big task. Here are 20 Effective Diet Plan Tips to Reduce Belly Fat:-

1. Avoid Drinks Containing Sugar

20 Effective Diet Plan Tips to Reduce Belly Fat

Sugar contains fructose, which is known to cause several chronic diseases like fatty liver, and type 2 diabetes if consumed in excess. Sugar is also known for excessive weight gain. Limit the intake of sweets, candies, and packed beverages like sodas, and colas that contain about 132.5 calories. Instead of this, you can opt for fresh and natural beverages like juice and many other drinks but without adding sugar in it as fruits are the natural source of sugar that is required by the body. Sugar should not be avoided completely as all sugars are not bad for your health. Try avoiding sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup as they contain high amounts of sugar. Following are some benefits of cutting out sugar from your diet:-

  • You will be less likely to get sick.
  • It reduces the impact of aging.
  • It helps in decreasing the risk of diabetes.
  • You will start feeling more energetic.
  • Cutting down on sugar also helps reduce hunger levels.
  • Results in a healthy heart and brain.

2. Limit the Intake of Alcohol


Consuming too much alcohol can contribute a lot to belly fat as alcohol leads to greater hunger by increasing the cravings for greasy and salty food, and stops the body from burning fat. By quitting alcohol one can enjoy a healthier lifestyle, improved digestion & better sleep. Avoiding alcohol can help weight loss in the following ways:-

  • Better sleep
  • Fewer intake of calories
  • Improved metabolism
  • Less sugar intake
  • Avoiding alcohol also helps in better mental health

3. Replace your Cooking Oils with Coconut Oil

coconut oil

Coconut is one of the best and the healthiest you can ever have as it helps in calorie reduction and boosting fullness. Using coconut oil instead of regular oils can help you boost your metabolism and help in abdominal weight loss. You can also include coconut water in your diet as it is also an effective diet plan tip to reduce belly fat. Coconut oil contains MCTs that help in weight control.

4. Consume Diet Rich in Protein

20 Effective Diet Plan Tips to Reduce Belly Fat

Taking a diet rich in proteins, nutrients, fibers and vitamins like mils, chicken, lentils, yogurt, cheese, and chickpeas is the most effective diet plan tip to reduce belly fat. A diet including proteins and fiber helps to increase the fullness of a hormone named peptide YY, which promotes fullness and reduces hunger. Protein helps for weight loss in several ways:-

  • A protein diet helps reduce the desire for late-night cravings.
  • Consuming protein in your diet helps to prevent slowing down of metabolism
  • It helps in burning more calories.

5. Reduce the Intake of Carbohydrates

20 Effective Diet Plan Tips to Reduce Belly Fat

The lower the amount of carbs, the more our body will burn the stored fats which gradually results in weight loss. The consumption of carbs depends on various factors like age, sex, energy level, and body type. Below mentioned are some of the ways to reduce carbs in your diet:-

  • Avoid packers snacks
  • Find alternatives to sugary beverages
  • Replace your daily use flour with oats, chickpeas, almonds, and coconut.

6. Avoid Trans-fat Foods

trans fat food

Consuming trans-fats is the main reason for rapid weight and obesity. Taking trans-fats in high amounts can lead to decreased levels of HDL Cholesterol and increased levels of LDL Cholesterol that can further increase the risk of stroke or heart attack. Therefore reducing trans-fats from your food can help reduce weight and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

7. Stay Hydrated


Drink plenty of water as much as you can. The intake of water helps to suppress the appetite and helps in boosting your metabolism. Here are the reasons why drinking water can help in weight loss.

  • Water helps in the burning of calories inside the body.
  • It acts as a natural appetite suppressant.
  • Water helps in optimizing workouts.
  • It helps to remove waste from our bodies.

8. Quit Smoking


Another great reason for weight gain is smoking. Smoking stores the fat in the belly rather than your thighs and hips. Also, it is a major cause of cancer, lung disease, and diabetes. Once you quit smoking, your body will gradually start shedding weight as the lung capacity naturally gets increased by improving the blood circulation in the body and burning those excess calories.

9. Intermittent Fasting

20 Effective Diet Plan Tips to Reduce Belly Fat

Intermittent fasting is a strategy that includes eating for a specific time only which results in hormonal changes and calorie deficit that can help you with your weight loss. Fasting for a short time can help in consuming fewer calories which results in weight loss. The various intermittent fasting strategies are:-

  • 5:2 diet
  • The 16:8 method
  • Alternate Day Fasting (ADF)
  • Eat Stop Eat
  • The warrior diet

10. Don’t Skip Your Meals

skip meal

When we skip our meals, especially breakfast, the body goes into a fasting mode that causes the brain to slow down the functioning of the body which consumes less energy and therefore burns fewer calories. Skipping your meals results in slowing down the metabolic rate of your body which results in weight gain instead of losing it.


11. Keep Your Gut Healthy


Consuming a gut diet includes a lot of prebiotics, protein, and fiber in it. Having good gut health helps in maintaining a good metabolic rate. A good metabolism helps to reduce weight faster whereas a bad metabolic rate stores the fat in the body that results in gaining weight. Here are some ways that can help you manage your gut health and can help you to reduce your belly fat:-

  • Add a lot of variety to your food
  • Avoid taking stress
  • Avoid food that triggers you
  • Include probiotics and fermented food in your meals
  • Exercise regularly

12. Limit Salt Intake

20 Effective Diet Plan Tips to Reduce Belly Fat

The increased salt intake increases water intention and is also present in large amounts of ultra-processed foods. Also, foods containing high amounts of sodium always contain more calories. The recommended amount of salt in a day is 3-5 grams only. Therefore, you need to reduce the amount of salt in your daily diet in order to decrease water retention and reduce belly fat.

13. Include Herbal Drinks

heral drinks

Including herbal drinks in your diet can help you a lot as it will help you to burn your calories, keep your stomach full and secondly it will help in detoxifying the body and regulating bowel movements. Herbal drinks include many items like green teas, herbal juices like wheat grass juice, aloe vera juice, and many more.

14. Switch to Low Fat Products

low fat foods

Stop the intake of food items that contain a lot of fat as it will result in gaining more calories and the body will start storing more fat which can lead to obesity. Full-fat items include dairy products, wheat flour, olive oil, heavy cream, and many more. Instead of this, you can switch to low-fat dairy products, whole grain flour instead of your regular flour, leafy vegetables, fruits, salads, and a lot more.

15. Practice Portion Control

portion control

Portion control is an important factor when you are trying to lose weight. Portion control is managing the quantity of food and calories that you have in a day. There are several methods that can help you control your portion. Some of them are:-

  • Ask for less
  • Use a smaller plate
  • Don’t eat the leftovers
  • Follow the 20-minute rule

Bonus Tips For Reducing Belly Fat

Apart from maintaining your daily diet, physical work can help you reduce your weight faster. A healthy diet contributes 70% to weight loss but the rest 30% depends on how much you move your body. Dieting alone or working out only will not help you to reduce your weight because our bodies reach a stage where maintaining your diet or exercising only does not burn extra calories. Here are some pointers that you need to include with your diet to reduce belly fat.

16. Avoid Taking Stress

stress avoid

Stress has a direct impact on adrenal glands that produce the production of a stress hormone called cortisol. High-stress levels increase appetite and abdominal fat storage. Stress promotes gaining weight around the waist. Here is how you can reduce your stress levels:-

  • Do yoga regularly
  • Laugh more
  • Connect with people
  • Seek a good counselor
  • Be creative

17. Get a Good Sleep


Getting a good sleep plays a vital role in your health and maintaining your body weight. A healthy sleep leads to a good weight loss. Getting enough sleep and sleeping on time helps to increase the metabolism rate, which makes it easier to burn calories. Try to sleep on time, as the body’s metabolism gets weak if you stay up late at night, and thus results in night cravings and intake of more calories.

18. Weight Lifting

weight lifting

Weight lifting also known as resistance training or strength training is important for gaining muscle mass. Lifting weights can help people who are suffering from type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, or prediabetes to improve their health and also play a major role in the weight loss journey.

19. Cardio Exercise


Doing aerobic (cardio) exercise can help you shed your belly fat really fast and also burns a lot of calories. The duration of your exercise and body movement also plays an important role. Exercise not only helps to remove belly fat but also helps to shed your overall body fat. Keep the target of exercising at least 5 days per week if you want to reduce belly fat. There are many cardio workouts that can help you in reducing your weight. Some of them are:-

  • Jumping Jacks
  • Burpees
  • Running
  • Stationary Bike Sprints

20. Mindful Eating

nindful eating

Mindful eating is a process in which you use your physical and emotional senses to enjoy and experience your food. Mindful eating helps to improve our gratitude towards the food and the overall eating experience. Here are some tips for mindful eating:-

  • Eat plant-based diet
  • Eat slowly to avoid overeating
  • Engage all senses while you are eating
  • Honor the food

Therefore, follow these 20 Effective Diet Plan Tips to Reduce Belly Fat to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

Consult a Professional

If you are in search of a professional who can help you reduce your belly fat, then your search gets over here. Dietitian Gagan is the most popular and is renowned for her diet plans and tips. She has helped people achieve their goals with her years of experience in this field. Also, she is a master in providing a special diet to people who are suffering from diabetes, and obesity and also helps in pregnancy nutrition. Also, dietitian Gagan customizes the meals according to the needs of their clients and serves them with the best delicious meals. With the help of her meals, many people have gained a healthy relationship with their food and bodies. Seeking a professional for a weight loss journey can help you a lot as they give diet plans according to your body type and your own requirements.  For any queries after reading 20 Effective Diet Plan Tips to Reduce Belly Fat, contact Dietitan Gagan Anand:-

Phone Number:- 99140-96585

Email ID:- info@dietitiangagan.com

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